Acm Laboratorios Tabletki Vitix
Acm Laboratorios
POMÓŻ CHRONIĆ KOMÓRKI PRZED STRESEM OKSYDACYJNYM Oryginalna formuła łącząca opatentowany ekstrakt z melona z witaminami (C, E, B9 i B12) oraz minerałami (selen, miedź i cynk). Witamina C, witamina E, miedź i selen pomagają chronić komórki przed stresem oksydacyjnym. Celuloza mikrokrystaliczna, fosforan trójkalcyku; Witamina C (kwas L-askorbinowy); Glukonian cynku; Witamina E (Acétate de DL-alpha tocophéryle); Levure enrichie en Sélénium; anty-aglomérant: Stéarate de Magnésium; Witamina B9 (acide folique) wspomaga maltodekstrynę; Extrait de Melon (Cucumis melo L.); Gluconate de Cuivre; Witamina B12 (cyjanokobalamina); enrobage: Hydroxypropylméthylcellulose / Cellulose Microcristalline / esters acétiques des mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras, Barwniki: Dioxyde de Titane / Oxyde de Fer / Complexe Cuivre-Chlorophylline. 1 tabletka dziennie
For more than 20 years Laboratoire dermatologique ACM teams have been developing and marketing skin and cosmetic products, food supplements, medical device and pharmaceuticals for medical prescription and medicinal consultancy.
Our expertise in matters affecting the skin, hair and nails, along with our close collaboration with the world of dermatology means we can provide rapid, targeted and effective solutions to restore the skin and hair to its normal, healthy state.
Our expertise in matters affecting the skin, hair and nails, along with our close collaboration with the world of dermatology means we can provide rapid, targeted and effective solutions to restore the skin and hair to its normal, healthy state.
- Referencja3760095250212
- MarkaAcm Laboratorios
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Acm Laboratorios Tabletki Vitix